I've always wanted to go to the Big Apple, or as we say now, the Concrete Jungle. I love big cities, lights, tons of people and New York was definitely all of that put together. Family of mine were planning on driving down for the weekend from Maryland. I literally made up my mind the night before and of course took my little Princess with me.
We drove down for about four hours and as soon as we got there, we hit the crazy traffic over in Brooklyn. So this was New York, yay! Ok, all my life I wanted to visit this city, please excuse my excitement. As we got there, we joined in at a friends party, had some great food, drinks and then we went over to Time Square to get a glimpse of the night lights. The energy in New York was just so vibrant.
When we all got tired, we went over for the biggest sleep over at a friends place in Manhattan. I could see all the lights and fun from my window and I was excited for the next morning.
I got up the next day and knowing I had just a few hours in NY, I decided to take myself and my daughter on a tour of the city. I jumped in the famous yellow taxi, I can't whistle so had to stick that hand out like we non-whistlers do. We went straight to Time Square to jump on a tour bus heading to Downtown NY. It was AMAZING, everything i'd been looking forward to.
We didn't miss out on those famous hot dogs, had to stop over for a bite.
We sat in front of the tour bus, on the top seater of the double decker bus, greatest view ever.
So I literally had just a few hours, didn't get to finish our tour because we were heading back that same day to Maryland. Got back in a Taxi to Manhattan and we were off to Maryland. I knew I had to be back soon, so you know what, I went back for another weekend. I had this crazy research paper due that weekend but nothing was coming in between me and this ride down to NY. My sister opted to drive while I typed up my assignment in the car. We got to New York and stayed over at a Holiday Inn in Manhattan. It was a few blocks away from Time square so of course what did I do?
I continued my tour. Back on the tour bus it was for me and my crew. Still excited as ever, this time we did the tour of Uptown NY.
It was a long day, after my little one slept off, I went down to the bar by the lobby of the hotel and had some drinks with good friends of mine. We ladies enjoyed our evening, I was leaving early the next morning back to Maryland so this was a perfect end to my trip.